Fishing industry in Nigeria is ineffective and in desperate need of innovations: environmental pollution destroys fish stocks and reduces the catch, while obsolete methods of fishing and lack of government support negatively impact fishing businesses.
Olawore Abduljelili, a Nigerian environmentalist, came up with an idea to improve the situation, “My aspiration is to develop a model of fish production that is sustainable and to provide a feed formula that will aid fish growth, be economically reasonable and affordable.”
Olawore wants to bring positive changes to the agricultural sector and enhance national food security in Nigeria. To achieve his goals, he partnered with us at the African Association of Entrepreneurs. Olawore is going to receive professional guidance from our green coaches. He will test his idea in our incubator and set up his eco-friendly venture. Your smallest contribution can go a long way and improve the lives of thousands of people.
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During his National Youth Service Corps year, a scheme launched in a bid to reconstruct and rebuild the country after the Nigerian Civil war, Olawore built class rooms for school pupils and bore holes. Today, he wants to employ his skills for the benefit of his community.
The African Association of Entrepreneurs launched a project to help young environmentalists, like Olawore, to realize their ideas and promote sustainable practices in Africa. If you are interested in our project, browse our website and see what we do.
We believe every step towards a sustainable and happy life matters!