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Charles Akhimien
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Dr. Charles Immanuel Akhimien is a young medical doctor from Benin City, Nigeria. He is the official representative and blogger for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for World Environment Day 2013 and the winner of the World Environment Day 2013 blogging competition. He represented the United Nations in Mongolia in June 2013, for World Environment Day 2013, where he met with important dignitaries including the President of Mongolia, Tsakhia Elbegdorj and the UNEP Executive Director, Achim Steiner. He has also served as an expert for the UNEP on numerous online platforms. A prolific writer, he is very passionate about the environment, especially its effects on public health. Charles is a United Nations Volunteer (UNV) and he writes for various Human rights Organisations including the Delta Women Initiative and the Organization for Abused and battered individuals (O.A.B.I), two organisations that are concerned with safeguarding the well-being of women and children as well as preventing and reporting the abuse of women worldwide. He also works as an editor for the HAID (Health Access and Integrated Development) Initiative, a non-governmental Organization that focuses on ensuring adequate healthcare access to the poorest, most vulnerable communities in Nigeria, with a special focus on children. He also worked as the Project Manager and Student facilitator for Solina Health on behalf of the Nigerian Government and the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the National Vaccine Summit in Benin City, Nigeria in March 2012. Furthermore, He was the Editor-in-Chief of the medical journal of the University of Benin Medical Students’ Association (UBEMSA) from June 2010 - July 2011, where he successfully produced the annual journal “The Stethoscope” in May 2011. Dr Charles graduated from the prestigious School of Medicine of the University of Benin. A social media aficionado and a mobile app developer, him and his patrners, have created GOBIFF a vaccine tracker and child growth monitoring app for android devices that would enable parents and healthcare personnel to monitor the vaccination status of infants and young children in Nigeria.
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Africa’s rise over the past decade has been very real. While sceptics still abound, the evidence of the continent’s clear progress over the past decade …

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