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Aditya Kashyap
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Aditya is a transfer student from India (Did 1 year in Delhi University and because of his academic track record made it to Drexel for research in 2011 and then got admission the next academic term) and has joined Drexel. He is currently a Senior majoring in Management Information System and Marketing and studying on 3 academic scholarships without which it would have been impossible for me to finance my education. In the future he would like to seek a career in Technology Consulting formulating strategies and business models for companies here in the US. Eventually after a little bit of experience he wants to go back and replicate some of the things he learned in India.
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11 years ago no Comment

During my research, I realized how rich a country Zambia is. Yet, few writers talk about this 753000 km, 13 million people strong landlocked country. …

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Readers looking for well-researched content on the African SME sector and environment. Writers with unique insight.
