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Cyrine Safta
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Cyrine SAFTA : Holder of a bachelor’s degree in English language, civilization and literature. Currently, I am a first-year Master’s student, English-speaking World. I am working on my research project which consists of comparing two social movements: Black Lives Matter in the United States and the Arab Spring in Tunisia. I am also a home English and French teacher at Acadomia, France and a volunteer at Afev France. I am also a volunteer for a mentoring mission at the FDNU (Federation of Diplomacy and the United Nations). Subsequently, I will continue my studies by doing a PHD with the specialty of North American Civilization, in order to become a teacher-researcher in American civilization.
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6 months ago
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Introduction In December 2010, the drama began in Tunisia. This was the start of the Tunisian revolution, known as “The Jasmine revolution.” It all commenced …
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