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Raga Ramakrishnan
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Raga Ramakrishnan has interned with the United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa in New York wherein she worked on advocacy of STEM education and Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) in the African continent. She received a bachelor’s degree in business economics and management from the University of Nottingham in Malaysia and a master’s in international studies from Christ University, Bangalore, India. Her interests are sustainable development, education, and food systems. With a passion for reading and writing, she avidly follows the work of multilateral organizations in achieving sustainable development.
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10 months ago no Comment

Smallholder farmers in Zambia’s Lusaka receive detailed information on crop diseases, weather patterns and changes, and other relevant information through the AgriPredict application and a …

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Readers looking for well-researched content on the African SME sector and environment. Writers with unique insight.
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