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Adesola Adedugbe
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Mr Adesola Adedugbe is an Environmental professional with a strong interest in water and environmental sound management. Mr Adesola has been involved in various environmental advocacies. He has over 8 years’ experience in the banking sector where he worked in the area of development and implementation of marketing and sales strategy. Adesola is the promoter of Teesol Environmental Consult, a green consulting firm. He is currently on the management board of the IWA sustainability specialist group. Mr Adesola Adedugbe holds a Master degree in Environmental Chemistry and pollution control and a B.Tech degree in Industrial Chemistry. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Chemist of Nigeria (ICCON), a Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) and a member of the International Water Organisation (IWA).
8 years ago no Comment

Solid waste constitutes an immense environmental challenge in Nigeria. Waste management has always been a major source of concern in our environment. We generate waste …

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