Strategies and environmentally friendly methods to apply permanent green business projects in Mauritius

ABSTRACT: This article proposes new strategies and environmentally friendly methods to establish permanent green business projects in Mauritius. In order to improve green business in Mauritius while involving both small and medium local entrepreneurs in the process, all parties should coordinate to achieve the main objectives. Several stages should be carried out by the Mauritius government to move toward a sustainable business environment and development of permanent green business projects. The process is explained in this paper starting with the initial stage, through profit generation, and continuation of green business projects. This includes hiring SME entrepreneurs for permanent maintenance and successful utilization of green business resources.


Mauritius is a small African Island located in the Indian Ocean. The country relies heavily on agriculture and tourism. However, Mauritius recently developed new green businesses such as wind turbines. These improvements could be the start of an innovative era involving small and medium entrepreneurs in developing permanent green business projects.. It is believed all parties should contribute to these green business opportunities from the Mauritius government, local authorities, courts, and local banks to SME entrepreneurs and the community.

This report presents a summary of the literature review from the field, followed by strategies and environmentally friendly methods. Additionally, a flow chart of the processing method for each business sector in accordance to the break down of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) is included.


Teeluck (2013) presented a review on the use of green energy sources in Mauritius, such as solar power, green buildings, biomass, and wind and hydro powers. Teeluck (2013) also mentioned green projects are not managed properly due to the lack of expertise and knowledge in the field. However, the author did not recommend any strategies or methods for improving green businesses. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) proposed an action plan to make Mauritius cleaner and greener. Similarly, the United Nations Environment Programme conducted a study assessing the green economy in Mauritius. The assessment focused on seven sectors: (1) agricultural, (2) energy, (3) manufacturing, (4) transport, (5) tourism, (6) water, and (7) waste sectors.


Green business methods are crucial in the development of the African business entrepreneurs and society. As indicated by the United Nations, such methods can develop all types of sectors including energy, tourism, agricultural, transportation, environmental, industrial, construction, and health. Due to the lack of expertise and awareness regarding green business in Mauritius, the government should take actions to improve the process. Figure 1 illustrates a flow chart of the proposed processing method for managing green business projects.

Figure 1: Flow chart of the processing method for managing green business projects.

The Mauritius government could engage local small and medium entrepreneurs in developing permanent green business projects by following the below strategies for each sector:

3.1 Agricultural sector

  • Support cooperation between livestock breeding farms and local farmers to utilize inexpensive organic fertilizers instead of chemicals.
  • Encourage SME entrepreneurs to use zero emissions agricultural machines fully functional with green energy.
  • Force the agricultural sector to work with the energy sector and import green fuel to run machinery.

3.2 Energy sector

  • Build additional sea turbines in the Indian Ocean near the island to generate more clean energy.
  • Export excess clean energy to other African countries at low prices, when generation exceeds usage of the island.
  • Publish tender documents to local entrepreneurs to generate and supply low cost energy to the community using solar panels, or wind and sea turbines.
  • Force the energy sector to cooperate with the agricultural sector and supply green fuel for machinery.

3.3 Industrial sector


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  • Force the industrial sector to reduce carbon emissions and charge a fine for violating regulations.
  • Force construction companies to use recycled materials.
  • Force the industrial sector to cooperate with the waste sector and import raw materials.

3.4 Transportation sector

  • Build green, solar energy light poles throughout the island’shighways and roads.
  • Local authorities should train entrepreneurs to chemical treat fruit and vegetable wastes, producing bioethanol, which can be used as a transportation fuel or industrial raw material.
  • Reduce the customs tax for SME zero car exporters.
  • Force gas stations around the country to supply and promote green energy produced by the energy sector.

3.5 Tourism sector

  • Open more green zoology park projects for tourists.
  • Hire small entrepreneurs as tour guides using small, zero emissions transportation vehicles.
  • Force the tourism sector to cooperate with the energy sector and import green fuel for tourist transportation vehicles.

3.6 Water sector

  • Hire local companies to build artesian wells as a main source of drinking water.
  • Contract SME entrepreneurs to filter the sea water using solar distillation methods.
  • Employ local SME entrepreneurs to convert sewer water to multipurpose daily use water using inexpensive green methods like slow sand filters or through pressure sand.

3.7 Waste business sector

  • Provide more awareness of the benefits of recycling products to the local community, starting with sorting waste and garbage at the source.
  • Hire local waste recycling companies and sell the resulting material to factories as organic components.
  • Force the waste business sector to cooperate with the industrial sector to supply recycled materials.

3.8 General for all sectors

  • Instate new laws to protect SME entrepreneurs against bankruptcy by forcing the local banks to provide loans with zero interest rates until businesses become profitable.
  • Reduce income tax by 50% for SME entrepreneurs working in sustainable business to entice more companies to apply green strategies.
  • Eliminate income tax for SME entrepreneurs providing free maintenance services for green products or systems.
  • Institute fines for companies in violation of the requirements.
  • Hire a coordination department to manage all sectors and ensure successful flow of the proposed strategies.

This paper presented strategies and environmentally friendly methods to execute  permanent green business projects in Mauritius. Furthermore, the strategies were drawn with respect to business sectors and in accordance with the United Nations Environment Programme (2015). The author believes if the proposed strategies and methods are followed, then permanent green business projects in Mauritius will be successfully established and improved. This benefits small and medium entrepreneurs, the Mauritius government, and the whole society.


[1] Jeetah, P., Effectiveness of Alkaline Pretreatment on Fruit Wastes for Bioethanol Production, University of Mauritius Research Journal, Vol 22 (2016), ISSN: 1694-0342.

[2] Teeluck, S., How Green is Mauritius?, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), Volume 74– No.19, July 2013, pp.1-6.

[3] International Labour Organisation (ILO), (2013), Green ambitions in Mauritius, Available online–en/index.htm access date 20/5/2019.

[4] United Nations Environment Programme, (2015), Green economy assessment Mauritius, UNEP/Economic and Trade Branch 11-13 Chemin des Anémones CH-1219 Chatelaine-Geneva Switzerland.

I would like to thank my family for their moral support. Many thanks to the United Nations for giving me the opportunity to conduct this volunteering article. My grateful thanks are extended to the Africa Association of Entrepreneurs – supporting growth in entrepreneurship for accepting my participation in the hopes and mirages project.Name: Khalid Abdel Naser Abdel Rahim Researcher in University of Coimbra. Graduated with a Master of Science in Structural Engineering from University of Dundee in Scotland. Graduated with Bachelors of Engineering with honors in Civil Engineering from Kingston University in London. Four years of construction and engineering experience in Lebanon, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Published several papers in International Journals in USA, Australia, Africa and Asian. Member of Arab Engineers Association (Membership Number. 430). International Computer Driving Licence 2009 (UNESCO Licence No. UN 09 03 7075). Green Building and LEED professional accreditation workshop – AMIDEAST (Beirut/Lebanon) 10th November 2012.

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