Lessons on the basic skillset every entrepreneur must seek in order to thrive in their respective field

The basic meaning of entrepreneurship

We usually associate entrepreneur with a “person who sets up business to make financial profits by providing services and products” (online cambridge dictionary). Most entrepreneurs are references in the society and, seen as models that everyone should copy to succeed in entrepreneurship. But if we talk about succeeding, we also must talk about the path from zero to hero. Therefore, what can be the background of an entrepreneur? This article talks about the academic studies, vocational training and all additional training that provide an entrepreneur the needed skills to perform in this domain.

Some entrepreneurs academic backgrounds

Some entrepreneurs have master’s degree in business administration while others are not graduate of any commercial universities. I am about to present various profiles of some entrepreneurs with the purpose of revealing what entrepreneurship career journey could be like. These selected individuals are cameroonians women, because female entrepreneurship is promoted at many levels. These women are working in various domains from edition to cosmetics and have diverse backgrounds. For the purpose of this study, five top cameroon women entrepreneurs profile were selected to show how the entrepreneurship vocation can be born. They were chosen because none of them had a background intended for them to become entrepreneurs. But today, they show the way to younger women who want to create their enterprises.

Paule Diane Tchamako Ngasse is the CEO of “Broad Range Consulting” (BRC). Her enterprise is an approved management centre, which offers to entrepreneurs, all the commodities to create legal enterprises. Their services range from the setup of a business to the tax return, and general support in the running of the business. BRC also do counselling for young entrepreneurs. The training and education that has accounted to her success include high school diploma, a masters diploma in applied taxation from 2012 to 2013 and training at “Groupement Interpatronal du Cameroun” (GICAM) which is deemed as one of the best management of an enterprise. Finally, she got a public accountant certification, from the Kenyan accountants and secretaries national examination board.

Osiera MEBOUNOU is the Founder of the “MIMA” holding. MIMA operates in various sectors such as, MIMA host agency, MIMA Production and MIMA Cosmetics. After her High School Degree, she got a Bachelor Degree at the “Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Techniques de l’Information et de la Communication” (ESSTIC) and specialised in Communication of Organisations. She hosted the weather report emission at the National television CRTV. She also works at the webzine “Culture ébène” as the chief editor.  In 2015, she became the first Miss United Nations for Cameroon. During her mandate she developed the interest for entrepreneurship. Her purposes were to offer innovative services and to become a development actor, by creating jobs for other youth.

Armelle TOUKO is the founder of “Adinkra” editions, which is specialised in the edition of children books. She is a graduate of ESSTIC, and specialised in edition. She also has an MBA in Marketing Management.  She did six months internship at the “Editions CLES”, after which, she did another three months internship at “Terroirs Editions”. After that, she became the edition department’s coordinator of “Afrédit” editions. She founded “Adinkra” Editions in 2018, to offer a new version of editions,  through innovations.

Grace Divine MOUGNOK is the founder of “OTAM JUICE”, and the Head of “Call Agency”, a Subsidiary Company of The Group “Start Up Academy”. After her High School Degree, she got a Higher Technician Diploma in Trade. She ventured into goods importation, after which she went to Tele counselling. After two years of working in that domain, she became Executive Assistant in a Construction and Public Works enterprise. That was her initial contact with the Multi-Level Marketing, and Start Up Academy. At Start Up Academy, she created her first enterprise named OTAM JUICE, and founded the Start Up Academy Subsidiary Company Call Agency.


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Octavie EDAMA is the Founder of “Uñas”, a beauty bar specialised in nails prosthesis. She created it after a little work experience in the civil society domain. After her high school graduation, she got a bachelor degree in enterprises administration and management, earned at the University of Yaoundé 2-Soa. In the same university, she also got masters degree in Competence Management and Human Resources. She did an internship at the MALABO CEMAC Commission. Her history with entrepreneurship began when at Malabo, she saw a woman taking care of other people’s nails and benefits. She decided to go for an accelerate training in nail prosthesis. And after two months of essay, she created her enterprise.

Some important skills to create an entreprise

The academic background to become entrepreneur and to perform is not unique. We can see, from the cases shared that any academic orientation can be steered to an entrepreneurial career. Nevertheless, in all these cases, it can be observe that, there is knowledge of one or more domain put together to create an enterprise. For instance, the marketing like Armelle TOUKO, and communication like that of Osiera MEBOUNOU. It’s important to know how to give a correct image to the enterprise. It’s also important to know how to communicate to the public to be able to bring the products to potential customers. Also, some competencies in trade like that of Grace Divine MOUGNOK are important in order to be able to propose a good product, and how to make it exceptional. Management is very important because it provides the skills to improve independently in the sector, like Octavie EDAMA. Finally, the other key training every future entrepreneur should seek is on taxation and all the administrative issues around enterprises like Paule Diane TCHAMAKO NGASSE.

In conclusion, every academics training can conduce to entrepreneurship. However, an entrepreneur should follow a vocational training in addition to his chosen domain. He or she has to get more skills, in the purpose to be the best in their chosen domain.

Paule Diane HIMSTA. Linkedin Account. accessed from : https://cm.linkedin.com/in/paule-diane-tchamako-ngasse-épouse-himsta-48754123
Gael De. “Osiera MEBOUNOU : Parfum de Miss “. Cameroun Tribune. Accessed from : https://www.cameroon-tribune.cm/article.html/46744/fr.html/osiera-mebounou-parfums
Andrea ABATE. “ Osiera MEBOUNOU : Parfum de Miss”. 237 Online. Accessed from : https://www.237campus.com/osiera-mebounou-25-annees-de-succes/
Myriam DJEKI, “Osiera MEBOUNOU, ciel clair pour la “miss meteo””. Nyanga. Accessed from : https://www.nyanga.cm/articles/485/fr/osiera-mebounou-ciel-clair-pour-la-miss-météo
Yvan Lionel ONDOA. “Osiera MEBOUNOU, de la Miss à la Cheffe, de la Couronne jusqu’au Trône.”. Mboko Magazine. Accessed from : https://mbokomagazine.com/osiera-mebounou-de-la-miss-a-la-cheffe-de-la-couronne-jusquau-trone/
Jeanne Osiera MEBOUNOU, linkedin account accessed from : https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeanne-osiera-mebounou-45245a184
Armelle TOUKO, linkedin account accessed from : https://www.linkedin.com/in/armelle-touko
Unspecified, “Armelle TOUKO, Biographie”. Cameroun Web. Accessed from : https://www.camerounweb.com/person/Armelle-Touko-3046
Yvan Lionel ONDOA, “Armelle TOUKO, l’éditrice au service des enfants africains.”. Mboko Magazine. Accessed from : https://mbokomagazine.com/armelle-touko-leditrice-au-service-des-enfants-africains/
Yvan Lionel ONDOA, “Grâce Divine MOUGNOK, un caractère de fer, pour une entrepreneure hors-pair!”. Mboko Mgazine. Accessed from : https://mbokomagazine.com/grace-divine-mougnok-un-caractere-de-fer-pour-une-entrepreneure-hors-pair/
Octavie EDAMA, linkedin account accessed from : https://www.linkedin.com/in/octavie-edama